Thursday, January 25, 2007


My best friend Kellie lives in Maui so we went out to go see her.

This is us at a beach in Oahu where we did some amazing snorkeling before we went to Maui.


Azure said...

Talesha, wow, it was so good to hear from you!!! Looks like you and the family have had a lot of fun in the past year. I am very jealous!!! Congrats on having another baby soon!!! Girls are a lot of fun. I wasn't so sure that they would be, but they definitely are. They're so much different than boys, but in a good way. So you need to put some more pictures of you and your little boy on here so I can see what he looks like now. It's been a very long time since I have seen your or Cole. I can't believe it's been that long. Crazy!!! Well, anyway, send me your email address so I can invite you to our blog because we are going private soon. Once again, good to hear from you!!!

Azure said...

Sorry about the novel! :)

Andrea said...

Wow sure sounds like you have had it rough these past few months!!! Paris and Disneyland...seriously you suck!! lol I am kidding of course!!! Oh how fun that I found you through the blogs. They really are a great way to keep in contact with people! I must see pics of your little one, and a pic of you prego! I remember how cute you looked with Cole. Can you believe we have 3 yr olds????? So are you working>> I will be in UT this summer, and I wanted to get a few of us together and go out to lunch,(LDSH clan) and I would love to see you!! So keep in touch girl!
PS I am adding you to my blogroll :)

The Harris's said...

Hey Talesha, it is Melissa from LDS and you better remember me. Anyways I am married now and I just had a little girl in Jan. I am working at Primary's in the ER and Christine from LDS works at Primary's to. Well check out our families blog. Congrats on your new little family. Hope all is well.