Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cole and Bella

They look so much alike! you cant tell from the picture but she has that same little double chin. The only difference is the hair.


Brad said...

Looks like you guys are doing well. Just checked in to say "Hi." Have a great day.

Missy said...

Such a cute baby girl. Now we just need to meet her. I'm jealous that Amy see's you more than me.

Mackay Family said...

Your little girl is adorable! Congrats on having another one. I can't believe how big Cole is! I remember when he was born!

This is Sydney Mackay by the way. Being a mom is the greatest. My blog is We are private so send me your email address and I will send you an invite!

Azure said...

So I haven't checked out your blog for a while because you NEVER put anything new on here!! :) Anyway, congratulations, a little late, on your second child. They do look a lot alike. I hope that things are going well for you!!

Holly Belnap said...

I am so excited that you have started posting!!! Love you!

melissa said...

So dang cute-that is pretty amazing how much they look alike!

Jenn said...

So I finally updated our blog today and since I had a moment I checked yours and to my surprise it was updated also!!! This preschool thing is pretty great - I get to catch up on everything that I have put off for months and months. Anyway, I love the pictures and if we can't hang out much at least I can feel like I know what you are up to!

zac and ang said...

hey!! I am so glad I found your blog!!